?What Is Imagination


Human beings are imagining beings. The substantial mental and spiritual strength of human beings is their imagination. The ability to imagine is vital for human existence and freedom. Imagination manifests itself in infinite forms and modalities. While the sensing organs help us perceive the world, imagination stimulates our mind and spirit and creates novel ideas and realities. Imagination is the primordial force of every aspiration since it is boundless, self contained, and unrestricted. Humans have no clue about imagination’s sources or how it inspires and evokes new ideas or inventions.

Imagination is necessary to understand the ultimate goals of human existence. The essential question of this study is simple, although it seems unattainable: What is Imagination?

The core notion of this study is that imagination is vital to attain knowledge and novel theories that lead to original inspirations and inventions in all cultural domains and science. Analyzing conceptions, functions, structures, or enigmatic forms of imagination developed throughout the history of culture, religion, and science will result in an all-encompassing portrayal of it. In order to establish a platform for intellectual cross-fertilization, this multidisciplinary study aims to demonstrate the originality and priority of magination in knowledge and wisdom creation in culture and civilization.

Israel Bar Yehuda Idalovichi worked in numerous universities in Israel, Germany, and Italy. He has published five books and more than 70 articles pertaining to philosophy, sociology, cultural studies, and education.

Vol. 1: 633 pages

Vol. 2: 616 pages

Note: The price is for both volumes.

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