The Five Forty Train


The loud shriek of a horn is drawing near, echoing in my mind and causing my entire being to tremble. The sound is familiar. I move my lips without making any sound asking, “Where am I?”
“Your stitches are coming out this morning” and I suddenly hear a soft, strong and steady voice emerging from the irritating monotonous mixture of different beeps.

Vicky, a young woman in her forties – a mother, a wife and a career woman, hurries to the ‘Ha’shalom’ train station to catch the train on her way home. This is her last day at the Tel-Aviv office. Suddenly a strange feeling comes over her, but she ignores it, straightens her collar under the business suit she’s wearing and steps onto the train that is destined to change her life forever. On the cusp of taking on a senior position relocating to Canada with her family, her life shatters in the ‘Revadim’ train disaster of 2005.

The Five Forty Train is a brave and inspiring novel, based on the life of the author Sigal Or-Cohen. The book describes her journey to the realm of the dead through discovering the light of the afterlife, and her return to the land of the living against all odds.
This is an unusual story about the strength of the human spirit, resilience/courage, joy and the love of life.

Sigal Or, born in 1965, is a mother of three sons, a mentor for altering awareness, energy healer, motivational speaker and a volunteer at Non-profit Associations. This is her first book.
A tenth of the income from this book will be donated towards the activities of Non-Profit Associations.

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הוספת דירוג וחוות דעת

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איפוס סיסמה

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