Jerusalem – One Square Kilometer


Within one square kilometer, the Old City of Jerusalem encompasses a wealth of sites with great historical and religious significance for Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Millions of visitors come to Jerusalem for a unique religious experience, and many more dream of, and yearn for Jerusalem. Regional kingdoms as well as world embracing empires ruled Jerusalem over the ages and left their mark. Jerusalem’s many sites tell an unparalleled story of historic dimension, emotion and sensitivities.

Jerusalem – One Square Kilometer provides the reader with a wealth of information about all the sites encountered while walking through the Old City – gates and back streets, synagogues and yeshivas, churches and monasteries, mosques and madrassas.
The book provides a special focus on the Jewish Quarter, the Temple Mount and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

While many books have been written about Jerusalem, this one is exceptional in bringing together information about the Old City from a large variety of sources, some as yet unpublished, and is richly illustrated with rare photographs, maps and diagrams. Avid Jerusalem explorers, tourists, tour guides and anyone who loves the city will find a concise and convenient compendium of the enormous amount of information available – the product of the author’s vast experience in the field and familiarity with academic and tourism research.

חוות דעת על הספר

עוד אין חוות דעת.

הוספת דירוג וחוות דעת

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ספרי ניב ברשתות החברתיות


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תודה רבה!

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קיבלת קופון 10% הנחה!
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איפוס סיסמה

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