At the Edge of the Forest


Leaves fall for a reason
Deep within the mountain lands of Oregon hides a small and secluded town, nestled against a forest unlike any other. A towering wall of trees acts as a barrier, separating forest from town. Small gaps between the trees act as doorways, and rumors of dangerous beasts lurking near the wall, keeping a watchful eye for those too unfortunate to set foot inside—The Blackwoods Forest.
Raven Hawkins has lived in the small town of Blackwood her entire life, haunted by a childhood tragedy. Eight years prior, she watched in horror as her father was taken by the very forest itself, leaving her scarred and terrified of the Blackwoods ever since. And now, as Raven nears her seventeenth birthday, she begins to plan her escape. She believes that leaving the town of Blackwood is her only hope of ever finding peace and coming to terms with her father’s supposed death.
Keeping the people she loves in the dark hurts. Neither her mother, nor her closest friends know of her plans to leave town—but she must escape. Who knows how long she has before the forest comes to claim yet another one of her loved ones, or worse, to claim her.
But on a mundane Saturday morning, as the town of Blackwood stirs to life, a series of unsettling events leads Raven to her worst nightmare: Setting foot inside the Blackwoods forest.
Now she must fight her way through the uncharted woods as her journey becomes a desperate game of survival, testing her courage and friendship to the limit, for if she fails, she risks her father’s fate becoming her own.
“At the Edge of the Forest” is an urban fantasy epic tale of adventure, survival, and self-discovery. Set against a backdrop of eerie beauty and hidden dangers, it explores the strength of friendship and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable odds.

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