A Dreamers' Curse


4.67 מתוך 5 כוכבים - 3 חוות דעת

“In the heart of a sprawling city, in an alley that time seemed to have forgotten, there was a pawn shop. Its windows were veiled with years of dust, its sign faded by the relentless sun, but within its shadowy interior lay a treasure of unparalleled beauty: a silver pendant.
…It was a marvel to behold, but it held a power that was as intoxicating as it was perilous…”

In 'A Dreamers' Curse,' readers delve into a tale of suspense and mystery, exploring the power of gratitude. At its core, lies a mysterious silver pendant. A blessing and a curse. Unraveling beautiful and darker tales…
From a thief in luxury to a man cherishing life, and a couple seeking a fresh start, the pendant changes hands, altering their fates, for better and worse. There is always a cost.

Meet Benjamin Shohet, an air force veteran with a passion for music, history, and mysteries.
From studying Egyptian archaeology to diving into the complexities of music, philosophy, and psychology, his creativity and curiosity intertwine, creating unforgettable journeys.
With each story, each song, each harmony, Benjamin invites readers to explore the depths of the human spirit. – That is his legacy.

Link – https://linktr.ee/benjisho
In Loving Memory of Kira Avstreikh 1933 – 2023

4.67 מתוך 5 כוכבים - 3 חוות דעת

חוות דעת על הספר

4.7/5 דירוג הקוראים סה"כ 3 חוות דעת
איריס 2 בינואר 2024
ספר מעניין וכיפיי ממש! ממליצה בחום לקרוא ולהנות
נוימן 2 בינואר 2024
ספר יפה באנגלית מצוחצחת אחלה פריט אספנות

הוספת דירוג וחוות דעת

ספרים נוספים


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שלום bennyshohat@gmail.com

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קיבלת קופון 10% הנחה!
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